Magento 2 Get Product Collection By Cetegory ID
Some time we need to get product collection for specific category id. So, in this article we'll discuss how to get category specific product collection in a block file and get that on phtml file.
Add below code in you block file to get category specific collection.
saveCopyzoom_out_mapnamespace Devhooks\Module\Block;
class Module extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
protected $productFactory;
protected $categoryFactory;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productFactory,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryFactory $categoryFactory
array $data = []
$this->productFactory = $productFactory;
$this->categoryFactory = $categoryFactory;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getProductCollection()
$categoryId = '5';
$category = $this->categoryFactory->create()->load($categoryId);
$collection = $this->productFactory->create();
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('status', \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Source\Status::STATUS_ENABLED);
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Visibility::VISIBILITY_BOTH);
return $collection;
In above code we use a static category id 5
but you can get is daynamic as per your need. Also, in above code have filtered the collection with Status
and Visibility
Now if you want get this collection in .phtml
file then check the below code and call getProductCollection
method in your phtml file.
saveCopyzoom_out_map$productCollection = $block->getProductCollection(); foreach ($productCollection as $product) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($product->getData()); echo "</pre>"; }
Finally, we are done, let's flush or refresh cache and test the result.
That’s it.
I hope this post helped you to find what you were looking for. Bookmark it for your future reference. Do comment below if you have any other questions on that.
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