Magento 2 How to create cart ready for checkout in GraphQL

In this topic, we will show you how to use the cart query to retrieve information about a particular cart. Cart functionality is defined in the Quote module. A Quote represents the contents of a customer’s shopping cart. It is responsible for performing tasks such as: - Tracking each item in the cart, including the quantity and base cost - Determining estimated shipping costs - Calculating subtotals, computing additional costs, applying coupons, and determining the payment method


{cart(cart_id: String!) {Cart}}

The following query shows the status of a cart that is ready to be converted into an order.


{ cart(cart_id: "CKqz0w9cbZLhWSKHXk4m5Tz2jOFCbJkv") { email billing_address { city region { code label } country { code label } firstname lastname postcode street telephone company } shipping_addresses { firstname lastname street city region { code label } country { code label } telephone company available_shipping_methods { amount { currency value } available carrier_code carrier_title error_message method_code method_title price_excl_tax { value currency } price_incl_tax { value currency } } selected_shipping_method { amount { value currency } carrier_code carrier_title method_code method_title } } items { id product { name sku } quantity } available_payment_methods { code title } selected_payment_method { code title } applied_coupons { code } prices { grand_total { value currency } } } }


{ "data": { "cart": { "email": null, "billing_address": null, "shipping_addresses": [], "items": [ { "id": "5", "product": { "name": "Sparta Gym Tank", "sku": "MT08" }, "quantity": 1 } ], "available_payment_methods": [ { "code": "checkmo", "title": "Check / Money order" } ], "selected_payment_method": { "code": "", "title": "" }, "applied_coupons": null, "prices": { "grand_total": { "value": 29, "currency": "USD" } } } } }

That's it!!

If you are looking for more GraphQL solutions then check out our another article which is List of GraphQL Queries and Mutations for Magento 2.

I hope this article helps you to find what you were looking for.

Bookmark it for your future reference. Do comment below if you have any other questions on that.

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