Magento 2 How to get country and list of countries in GraphQL

In this article we will show you how to get specific country and all countries using GraphQL. Country use specific ID.

Get Country

The query returns a single Country object.


{country(id: String) {Country}}

The following query returns information about specific country.


{ country(id: "IN") { id two_letter_abbreviation three_letter_abbreviation full_name_locale full_name_english available_regions { id code name } } }


{ "data": { "country": { "id": "IN", "two_letter_abbreviation": "IN", "three_letter_abbreviation": "IND", "full_name_locale": "India", "full_name_english": "India", "available_regions": [ { "id": 533, "code": "AN", "name": "Andaman and Nicobar Islands" }, { "id": 534, "code": "AP", "name": "Andhra Pradesh" }, { "id": 535, "code": "AR", "name": "Arunachal Pradesh" }, { "id": 536, "code": "AS", "name": "Assam" }, { "id": 537, "code": "BR", "name": "Bihar" }, { "id": 538, "code": "CH", "name": "Chandigarh" }, { "id": 539, "code": "CT", "name": "Chhattisgarh" }, { "id": 540, "code": "DN", "name": "Dadra and Nagar Haveli" }, { "id": 541, "code": "DD", "name": "Daman and Diu" }, { "id": 542, "code": "DL", "name": "Delhi" }, { "id": 543, "code": "GA", "name": "Goa" }, { "id": 544, "code": "GJ", "name": "Gujarat" }, { "id": 545, "code": "HR", "name": "Haryana" }, { "id": 546, "code": "HP", "name": "Himachal Pradesh" }, { "id": 547, "code": "JK", "name": "Jammu and Kashmir" }, { "id": 548, "code": "JH", "name": "Jharkhand" }, { "id": 549, "code": "KA", "name": "Karnataka" }, { "id": 550, "code": "KL", "name": "Kerala" }, { "id": 551, "code": "LD", "name": "Lakshadweep" }, { "id": 552, "code": "MP", "name": "Madhya Pradesh" }, { "id": 553, "code": "MH", "name": "Maharashtra" }, { "id": 554, "code": "MN", "name": "Manipur" }, { "id": 555, "code": "ML", "name": "Meghalaya" }, { "id": 556, "code": "MZ", "name": "Mizoram" }, { "id": 557, "code": "NL", "name": "Nagaland" }, { "id": 558, "code": "OR", "name": "Odisha" }, { "id": 559, "code": "PY", "name": "Puducherry" }, { "id": 560, "code": "PB", "name": "Punjab" }, { "id": 561, "code": "RJ", "name": "Rajasthan" }, { "id": 562, "code": "SK", "name": "Sikkim" }, { "id": 563, "code": "TN", "name": "Tamil Nadu" }, { "id": 564, "code": "TG", "name": "Telangana" }, { "id": 565, "code": "TR", "name": "Tripura" }, { "id": 566, "code": "UP", "name": "Uttar Pradesh" }, { "id": 567, "code": "UT", "name": "Uttarakhand" }, { "id": 568, "code": "WB", "name": "West Bengal" } ] } } }

Get Country List

Use the countries query to return all countries.


{countries {Countries}}

The following query returns all countries listed for the current instance of Magento:


{ countries { id two_letter_abbreviation three_letter_abbreviation full_name_locale full_name_english available_regions { id code name } } }


{ "data": { "countries": [ { "id": "AD", "two_letter_abbreviation": "AD", "three_letter_abbreviation": "AND", "full_name_locale": "Andorra", "full_name_english": "Andorra", "available_regions": null }, { "id": "AE", "two_letter_abbreviation": "AE", "three_letter_abbreviation": "ARE", "full_name_locale": "United Arab Emirates", "full_name_english": "United Arab Emirates", "available_regions": null }, { "id": "AF", "two_letter_abbreviation": "AF", "three_letter_abbreviation": "AFG", "full_name_locale": "Afghanistan", "full_name_english": "Afghanistan", "available_regions": null }, { "id": "AG", "two_letter_abbreviation": "AG", "three_letter_abbreviation": "ATG", "full_name_locale": "Antigua & Barbuda", "full_name_english": "Antigua & Barbuda", "available_regions": null }, { "id": "AI", "two_letter_abbreviation": "AI", "three_letter_abbreviation": "AIA", "full_name_locale": "Anguilla", "full_name_english": "Anguilla", "available_regions": null }, { "id": "AL", "two_letter_abbreviation": 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That's it!!

If you are looking for more GraphQL solutions then check out our another article which is List of GraphQL Queries and Mutations for Magento 2.

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