Magento 2 How to get downloadable products in GraphQL

A Downloadable product type allows you to sell digital products, like eBooks, software applications, music, updates, games, etc. In this tutorial we will show you how to get a downloadable product, also you can show related attributes that are specific to downloadable products can be used when performing a product query.

The DownloadableProduct object contains the following attributes:

  • downloadable_product_links
  • downloadable_product_samples
  • links_purchased_separately
  • links_title

Add the following inline fragment to the output section of your products query to return information specific to downloadable products:

... on DownloadableProduct {
  items {

The following products query returns DownloadableProduct information.


{ products(filter: { sku: { eq: "240-LV09" } }) { total_count sort_fields { default options { label value } } aggregations { count attribute_code label options { count label value } } page_info { current_page total_pages page_size } items { id name sku url_key stock_status new_from_date new_to_date special_price special_from_date special_to_date __typename short_description { html } description { html } sale new gender attribute_set_id meta_title meta_keyword meta_description manufacturer size color country_of_manufacture gift_message_available image { url label } small_image { url label } thumbnail { url label } swatch_image media_gallery { url label } categories { id name is_anchor url_key url_path level display_mode default_sort_by description breadcrumbs { category_id category_name category_level category_url_key category_url_path } } price_range { minimum_price { regular_price { value currency } final_price { value currency } discount { amount_off percent_off } } maximum_price { regular_price { value currency } final_price { value currency } discount { amount_off percent_off } } } price_tiers { quantity final_price { value currency } } ... on DownloadableProduct { links_title links_purchased_separately downloadable_product_links { sample_url sort_order title price } downloadable_product_samples { title sort_order sample_url } } } } }


{ "data": { "products": { "total_count": 1, "sort_fields": { "default": "position", "options": [ { "label": "Position", "value": "position" }, { "label": "Product Name", "value": "name" }, { "label": "Price", "value": "price" } ] }, "aggregations": [ { "count": 1, "attribute_code": "price", "label": "Price", "options": [ { "count": 1, "label": "9-*", "value": "9_*" } ] }, { "count": 2, "attribute_code": "category_id", "label": "Category", "options": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Training", "value": "9" }, { "count": 1, "label": "Video Download", "value": "10" } ] }, { "count": 2, "attribute_code": "activity", "label": "Activity", "options": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Yoga", "value": "5435" }, { "count": 1, "label": "Athletic", "value": "5443" } ] }, { "count": 1, "attribute_code": "format", "label": "Format", "options": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Download", "value": "5529" } ] } ], "page_info": { "current_page": 1, "total_pages": 1, "page_size": 20 }, "items": [ { "id": 52, "name": "Luma Yoga For Life", "sku": "240-LV09", "url_key": "luma-yoga-for-life", "stock_status": "IN_STOCK", "new_from_date": null, "new_to_date": null, "special_price": null, "special_from_date": null, "special_to_date": null, "__typename": "DownloadableProduct", "short_description": { "html": "<p>\nLuma founder Erin Renny on yoga and longevity: \"I won't promise you'll live longer with yoga. No one can promise that. But your life will be healthier, less stressful, and more physically in tune when you focus on connecting your mind and body or a regular basis. Yoga is my favorite way to express this connection. I want to share the secrets of lifelong yoga with anyone willing to breathe and learn with me.\"\n</p>" }, "description": { "html": "<ul><li>Increase strength + flexibility + metabolism</li><li>Burn calories + feel great</li><li>Gain energy + youthfulness + mental wellness</li> </ul><h3 style=\"margin-top: 30px;\">Download description</h3><p><strong style=\"display: block; margin: 20px 0 5px;\">Tone up mind and body</strong>Pro Yoga Instructor and Master Practitioner Marie Peale helps tone and sculpt your physique with her invigorating yet gentle approach.</p><p>You'll learn to use yoga to relax, control stress and increase your calorie-burning capacity, all while exploring traditional and new yoga poses that lengthen and strengthen your full muscular structure. </p><ul><li>Easy download</li><li>Audio options: Music and instruction or instruction only</li><li>Heart rate techniques explained</li><li>Breathing techniques explained</li><li>Move through exercises at your own pace</li></ul><p>Two 25-minute workout episodes and one 40-minute workout episode with warm-up and cool down:</p><p><strong style=\"display: block; margin: 20px 0 5px;\">Episode 1</strong>Creative, fun session geared toward opening your lungs. Combines stretching and breathing with a focus on hips and shoulders. </p><p><strong style=\"display: block; margin: 20px 0 5px;\">Episode 2</strong>Ramp up the tempo and energy with calorie-burning flows. A stimulating workout introducing the body-sculpting power of yoga.</p><p><strong style=\"display: block; margin: 20px 0 5px;\">Episode 3</strong>Push your fitness reach and stamina with an intense series of standing and floor exercises and poses. End this extra-length session with a meditative cool down.</p><h3 style=\"margin-top: 30px;\">instructor bio</h3><p><strong style=\"display: block; margin: 20px 0 5px;\">About Marie</strong>Marie is a trained martial artist and dancer with a BS in Biological Engineering and over 10 years as a certified yoga teacher. Marie has studied yoga in England, India and, in 2009, at the Ashraqat Ashram Yoga Farm in the United States. She has been teaching full time since then. Her focus on strength and wellness combines a deep knowledge of human biology and motivation guided by unconditional love for her audience.</p>" }, "sale": null, "new": null, "gender": null, "attribute_set_id": 14, "meta_title": null, "meta_keyword": null, "meta_description": "You'll learn to use yoga to relax, control stress and increase your calorie-burning capacity, all while exploring traditional and new yoga poses that lengthen and strengthen your full muscular structure.", "manufacturer": null, "size": null, "color": null, "country_of_manufacture": null, "gift_message_available": null, "image": { "url": "", "label": "Luma Yoga For Life" }, "small_image": { "url": "", "label": "Luma Yoga For Life" }, "thumbnail": { "url": "", "label": "Luma Yoga For Life" }, "swatch_image": null, "media_gallery": [ { "url": "", "label": "Image" } ], "categories": [ { "id": 9, "name": "Training", "is_anchor": 0, "url_key": "training", "url_path": "training", "level": 2, "display_mode": "PAGE", "default_sort_by": null, "description": null, "breadcrumbs": null }, { "id": 10, "name": "Video Download", "is_anchor": 1, "url_key": "training-video", "url_path": "training/training-video", "level": 3, "display_mode": null, "default_sort_by": null, "description": null, "breadcrumbs": [ { "category_id": 9, "category_name": "Training", "category_level": 2, "category_url_key": "training", "category_url_path": "training" } ] } ], "price_range": { "minimum_price": { "regular_price": { "value": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "final_price": { "value": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "discount": { "amount_off": 0, "percent_off": 0 } }, "maximum_price": { "regular_price": { "value": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "final_price": { "value": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "discount": { "amount_off": 0, "percent_off": 0 } } }, "price_tiers": [], "links_title": "Downloads", "links_purchased_separately": 1, "downloadable_product_links": [ { "sample_url": "", "sort_order": 1, "title": "Episode 1", "price": 9 }, { "sample_url": "", "sort_order": 1, "title": "Episode 2", "price": 9 }, { "sample_url": "", "sort_order": 1, "title": "Episode 3", "price": 9 } ], "downloadable_product_samples": [ { "title": "Trailer #1", "sort_order": 1, "sample_url": "" }, { "title": "Trailer #2", "sort_order": 1, "sample_url": "" }, { "title": "Trailer #3", "sort_order": 1, "sample_url": "" } ] } ] } } }

That's it!!

If you are looking for more GraphQL solutions then check out our another article which is List of GraphQL Queries and Mutations for Magento 2.

I hope this article helps you to find what you were looking for.

Bookmark it for your future reference. Do comment below if you have any other questions on that.

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