Magento 2 How to get related products in GraphQL

If you want to get related products then you are show in this article, also we all know the related products block are appears at the bottom of the Product View page.

First of all we need to perform a products query for related products. Please check below and follow query which returns related products information.


{ products(filter: { sku: { eq: "WJ08" } }) { total_count items { id name sku url_key stock_status new_from_date new_to_date special_price special_from_date special_to_date __typename related_products { id name sku url_key __typename } } } }


{ "data": { "products": { "total_count": 1, "items": [ { "id": 1322, "name": "Adrienne Trek Jacket", "sku": "WJ08", "url_key": "adrienne-trek-jacket", "stock_status": "IN_STOCK", "new_from_date": null, "new_to_date": null, "special_price": null, "special_from_date": null, "special_to_date": null, "__typename": "ConfigurableProduct", "related_products": [ { "id": 1050, "name": "Mona Pullover Hoodlie", "sku": "WH01", "url_key": "mona-pullover-hoodlie", "__typename": "ConfigurableProduct" }, { "id": 1120, "name": "Daphne Full-Zip Hoodie", "sku": "WH06", "url_key": "daphne-full-zip-hoodie", "__typename": "ConfigurableProduct" }, { "id": 1860, "name": "Diana Tights", "sku": "WP06", "url_key": "diana-tights", "__typename": "ConfigurableProduct" }, { "id": 1909, "name": "Portia Capri", "sku": "WP13", "url_key": "portia-capri", "__typename": "ConfigurableProduct" } ] } ] } } }

That's it!!

If you are looking for more GraphQL solutions then check out our another article which is List of GraphQL Queries and Mutations for Magento 2.

I hope this article helps you to find what you were looking for.

Bookmark it for your future reference. Do comment below if you have any other questions on that.

P.S. Do share this article with your team.

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