Manage Git Repository in Magento 2

In this blog I'll explain you how to create git repository and how to manage branch, how tp Manage Git without username and password and also, give you an list of other git commands in a single post.

Step 1: Create a repository

Step 2: Create a .gitignore file and add the below code.(Ref link)


Step 3: Switch to your directory

cd /path/to/your/repo

Step 4: Connect your existing folder to the git repository

git remote add origin
git push/pull origin master

Or Clone git repository

Using https:

git clone

Using SSH:

git clone

Specific Branch:

git clone -b branch_nam

Manage Git without username and password

Create SSH file in local/server (Ref link)

ls ~/.ssh
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/
ssh -T

Add your SSH public key to bitbucket.

Please refer to this link for more details to generate different types of a key like (rsa, dsa, ecdsa, ed25519).

Step 5: Git config

git config --global "[name]"
git config --global "[email address]"

Step 6: Check/Create/Switch Branch

git branch
git branch checkout -b branch_name
git branch checkout branch_name
git branch -d branch_name

Step 7: Update changes on staging branch

git status
git add .
git add --all
git add /file/path
git add /file/path /file/path
git commit -m "Type in the commit message."
git push origin staging_branch_name

Step 8: Get updates on master branch

git pull origin master_branch_name

Best practice to manage the git process in any project.

  • Manage 3 environment and create 3 branches for that.
    • Development
    • Staging
    • Master
  • Once the development process is complete push all those changes to the development branch.
  • Pull the development branch in a staging environment and test it. If everything is working then push on the master branch.
  • Pull changes from the master branch.

General Git Commands

- git clone [url]
- git init
- git add
- git commit -m "Type in the commit message."
- git diff
  - git diff
  - git diff –staged
  - git diff /file/path
  - git diff [first branch] [second branch]
- git log (Display commit log)
- git remote set-url origin
- git remote -v
- git –help command
  - git help -a
  - git help -a | grep credential-
- git reset
  - git reset [file path]
  - git reset [commit]
  - git reset –hard [commit]
- git rm [file]
- git show [commit]
- git checkout
- git merge [branch name]
- git config
- git push origin branch_name
- git push –all origin
- Git pull origin branch_name

Command Reference

That’s it.

I hope this post helped you to find what you were looking for. Bookmark it for your future reference. Do comment below if you have any other questions on that.

P.S. Do share this note with your team.

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